"Fighter Her Light I"
"Fighter Her Light II"
"Fighter Her Light III"
“You gaze upon her,
see where the light hits right
she confronts you with a quiet and wise strength,
a power that can not be tamed by yours
and so you run into the night”
“Fighter, Her Light” Series
Body Paint, Print, Gouache, Acrylic
In 2018, I spent a fair amount of time in Geneva, Switzerland. While working and gathering inspiration, I was introduced to a beautiful and beyond impressive woman. We decided to create a series that would exhibit her strength and power. I then learned that she herself was a World Champion Kali fighter from Bosnia. Kali is a martial art originating from the Philippines in which the warriors use hand-to-hand combat along with sticks and bladed weapons. I understandably was elated to work this real life “Xena: Warrior Princess”.
I chose to represent her the way she shared herself with me, as a strong, gentle, and deep presence, who will stand up to any obstacle and fight for herself.